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Executive Summary

In 2017, ENTSO-E decided to investigate what are the forthcoming challenges and opportunities for the electricity system from an operational and market perspective in two projects: One System Vision and Market Design 2030. This document brings together their findings and aims at starting a discussion with stakeholders on forward-looking solutions that can facilitate European society’s goal of a secure, clean and affordable energy future.

ENTSO-E welcomes the Clean Energy Package as an important step in this direction and proposes a complementary, longer-term vision which entails the following key messages:


The Clean Energy Package is an important milestone for Europe’s green energy transition. Its timely implementation is the priority for ENTSO-E and TSOs;

Europe’s energy sector is shifting from a fossil fuel dominated and supply-centric model to a clean, digitalised and electrified consumer centric system with many distributed resources. ENTSO-E’s Vision aims to contribute to this overarching goal;

Future system operations will rely upon a system of systems that should work as one. They will ensure seamless integration of growing shares of decentralised resources and power electronics. They will allow for alignment with needs of all grid connected assets and be further coupled with other sectors. Innovation and cooperation will be key enablers;

Different but interoperable market design features could be incorporated in the current target model to allow Europe as a whole to meet the 2030 challenges, which vary across countries and market timeframes;

To work as one, a system of systems should build on a multilevel architecture that articulates different geographical scales and functional layers through multilateral interfaces that are interoperable with each other;

The governance of this pan-European system of systems will involve multiple stakeholders. In this context, TSOs will play a key facilitation role, together with DSOs, supported by RCCs, and in dialogue with stakeholders.


Vision on Market Design and System Operation towards 2030

  • Executive summary
  • Major trends reshaping the power sector
  • Reconcile markets and physics
  • Towards a system of systems
  • Focus paper – One System Vision for 2030
  • Focus paper – Market Design Vision for 2030


ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, represents 43 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 36 countries across Europe.

ENTSO-E was established in 2009 and was given legal mandates by the EU’s Third Legislative Package for the Internal Energy Market, which aims to further liberalise the gas and electricity markets in the EU.

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+32 2 741 09 50